As a leader in semiconductor, computer processors, and related technologies, AMD has a responsibility to serve its customers, keep pace with the industry, and help set the standard for how servers, computers, and embedded systems run. To maintain its execution track record, the IT team at AMD used Microsoft Azure high-performance computing (HPC), HBv3 virtual machines, and other Azure resources to build scalable capacity and optimize the company’s cloud capabilities, accelerating time to market and eliminating weeks and even months of delay.
With HBv3 VMs optimally configured for Azure HPC and powered by AMD EPYC processors, AMD IT now has reliable node-to-node interconnectivity and can deliver quick scaling to high core volumes and excellent performance for EDA scenarios. HPC works well for both on-premises and cloud infrastructures, so AMD IT can quickly and easily create burst capacity across its hybrid environments as need arises.
Seizing the opportunity to customize its technology stack and, in turn, improve time to solution, AMD IT also built a robust engineering Unix environment around the dynamic AMD EPYC CPU-powered HBv3 VMs, using Azure HPC Cache and Azure NetApp Files to bring its workloads to the cloud. HPC Cache helps keep EDA jobs moving by dividing computing capacity across both Azure and AMD’s on-premises storage, giving users a faster response time. Similarly, the IT team uses Azure NetApp Files to provide high-level storage for data generated in Azure and used by multiple jobs that need fast read-write access. This helps keep CPU cores from getting stuck waiting to do their work.
By combining these Azure resources, the IT team at AMD built the access to the VMs and elastic computing capacity that it needed to get through its product design cycles faster and accelerate time to market.
“Our real benchmark here was that the work we wanted to do in the cloud had to be able to at least match what we achieve using our high-performance EPYC processor cores and file servers in our on-premises datacenter,” says Steinke. “We were able to meet and exceed that baseline performance using Azure.”
See the full story here
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